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View towards St Pauls Church

View towards St Pauls Church

View of Cross’s Gardens

View of Cross’s Gardens

Massing sketch of our proposal

Massing sketch of our proposal

1:500 concept model

1:500 concept model

Dove Lane

The St Paul’s area of Bristol is known for being a diverse, creative and community-focused neighbourhood. Dove Lane will transform a former industrial site into a new green community adding to the vibrancy and connectivity of this inner-city suburb of Bristol.

Laid out in the early 18th century and densely populated during the Victorian era, St Pauls is one of Bristol’s first suburbs. Our project, for Places for People, is adjacent to the St Paul’s Conservation Area and will deliver 358 new homes in a mix of housing typologies, including duplexes and one- to three-bedroom apartments—20% of which will be affordable.

Our design reflects the character of Bristol and St Pauls, and we have ensured that buildings, landscape and public spaces reinforce the area’s unique qualities and culture. Reflecting the nearby Georgian and Victorian housing stock, many of the well-proportioned buff masonry and brick homes will benefit from street frontages with private open space and shared gardens. New routes for walking and cycling will improve connectivity in the area, enabling the public to travel as sustainably as possible.

Dove Lane will provide the community with a wide range of new employment opportunities, local shops and open spaces, including Cross’s Gardens: a new biodiverse public space for residents, weekly markets and perhaps, a potential starting point for the neighbourhood’s annual Carnival.

Client Places for People
Location Bristol
Size 1.72 ha
Status Current
Homes 358 apartments
George Richardson
Fraser Godfrey
Sandeep Shambi
Ryan Bulled
Breffni O’Brien