We add social value through our projects, the way we run our company and by giving to others. Read our latest Social Value report here.
Over the last year we have supported numerous charities including Feedo Needo, LandAid, Birmingham Hippodrome, B:Music, Open City and Ikon Gallery. Our Charity of the Year for is Smart Works, a charity we have brought into our home in Birmingham and who help women in need get back into work.
We have a profit share policy that includes our entire team. We also believe that everyone who works for us deserves a wage that meets their everyday needs and so every member of our team, including people who join us for an internship or apprenticeship, will earn the Real Living Wage.

Our charity partners

Our London Studio hosted the Architects Benevolent Society's annual Chicken Run
Showing our commitment to our people, our community and the places we work in, our annual Social Value report is now available. Read more

Inspiring young people to work in architecture and design is one of the most important things we do. We promote visits from schools and universities, holding events, exhibitions and workshops. Our team are closely involved at some of the UK’s leading architectural schools and Glenn Howells is Visiting Professor at Birmingham City University.
Every year we hold a Summer School in Birmingham, to demonstrate what a creative, fulfilling, and exciting career choice architecture can be. The event is for students aged 14–18, many of whom go on to have successful careers in design and return to us throughout their academic journey for work experience and guidance.

Summer School: Modelmaking workshop

Summer School: Crit day presentations
Sharing is key to our culture and runs through the way we run our company and how we collaborate with others.
Outside the studio, we share our ideas and experience by being actively involved in talks and events. Since 2017, we have participated in the annual London Festival of Architecture, opening our London Studio to the public who are treated to exhibits on our work and the chance to chat to our architects or get career advice.
We also regularly contribute to conferences and events with many organisations such as Birmingham City Council, West Midlands Growth Company, RIBA, TEDX, Open City, Academy of Urbanism, UKREiiF, MIPIM, New London Architecture, British Council of Offices, Insider and Building Brum.

Partner David Henderson, leads a tour of London City Island for the London Festival of Architecture.

Our ‘Growing Pains’ event for LFA’s Open Studio
We are proud of the diversity of our team which reflects the rich ethnicity of both London and Birmingham. Our EDI statement sets out how we ensure our ongoing commitment to equality and inclusivity. We also have an in-house diversity champion and have signed the NLA’s Diverse Leaders Pledge and the Future of London Speaker’s pledge to reinforce our commitment.

Internal design workshop
Critical to all our projects is active and positive engagement not only with clients but communities and stakeholders. We engage with local business, artists and residents so they are part of projects from day one and have the opportunity to contribute to the shaping of buildings and places that they are invested in.

A workshop with pupils from Edgware Primary School on regeneration of Edgware Town Centre.